Youth Agricultural Entrepreneurs Programme (YAGEP) is about the training and establishment of youths in four (4) agricultural enterprises including poultry, piggery, fishery and vegetable production. The scope of training covers agricultural subject-matter knowledge, enterprise management, leadership and life skills, group organisation and group farming. SONGHAI DELTA is the training centre for YAGEP. The Objectives of The Programme are to create jobs, develop entrepreneurship, increase outputs and generate wealth.
Programme Design:
The nature of the services and types of support to be provided are as follows:
- The enterprises to be covered include piggery, poultry, fisheries, vegetables (tomatoes, pepper, etc.).
- Training of youths in agricultural enterprises: The training scope shall be holistic, including technical, leadership, entrepreneurship, information management, group organization and group farming, conflict resolution and life skills.
- Trained youths will be supported to establish and run their own enterprises through the provision of infrastructure and starter packs.
- The programme has a strong mentoring and monitoring component.
Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP) is about training and establishment of youths in preferred skills. The training platforms are three:
- Government-owned skills acquisition centres (8nos.)
- DELSU Investment Ltd and
- National Directorate of Employment (NDE).
The programme is designed to equip youths with vocational and technical skills for self-employment.
Programme Design:
- Training -vocational/technical skills, entrepreneurship, leadership, life skills, information management and conflict resolution.
- Support for establishment of own enterprise.
- Mentoring and monitoring.